Easy Arbitrage Profits Review – Not So Easy

Product: Easy Arbitrage Profits

Product Owner: Dan Ashendorf
Advertised Price: $7.85

Rating: 2/10

What is it?

Easy Arbitrage Profits is system of buying and selling on marketplaces like Amazon and EBay. It teaches how to do this successfully.


Easy Arbitrage Profits is poor and disappointing. I hoped to find some neat tricks having bought and sold on Anazon plenty myself.

But it’s all hype and no substance. The ludicrous promise of making $3,000 a month on autopilot is a marketing trick and I no way reflective of what you can really expect.

What the main issue comes down too is Easy Arbitrage Profits is to time consuming and demanding of your time. You may think it’s only $8 but still, I’d advise you save yourself a few bucks.

What to Know Before You Buy

There were a number of videos to watch through and upsells which aren’t skippable. And they are so long!

All the products are supposed to work in tandem with Arbitrage Core Products. I won’t go into too much detail on each upsell suffice to say that there are a number of guides and that you could be convinced into spending an additional $200 if you are not careful.

It’s contradictory to require all these upsells when the Easy Arbitrage Profits is selling an easy autopilot business to make money. Why do I need anything else if Easy Arbitrage Profits works?

What’s good about Easy Arbitrage Profits

Not very much but it’s worth mentioning that you do get the webinar, though doesn’t add much more than the content of the eBook, it’s a better form of delivery for some that learn with a more hands on approach. Marks for going to the trouble of creating a webinar but the content is still what it is.

What I Didn’t Like

The main issue I have is that it’s nowhere near being a business you could put on auto pilot. The pitch is clear make $3,000 per month on “Autopilot” in 30 days. The reality is it’s no where near being what should be considered as Autopilot ( I.e. Self sustainable). Easy Arbitrage Profits is far from easy.

Firstly a lot of research is needed to establish the best deals on items you choose to resell. This has to be done on a daily basis if you wish to stand a chance of any success. The owner admits to employing researchers to do this for him.

If you can’t afford employees, you will have to this tedious work yourself. Not so easy!

Another fundamental flaw with this technique is the unprporionate risk you have to take. Business’s equals risk. True. But Easy Arbitrage Profits presents an excessive risk on a daily basis by paying for products that you have to resell. There’s no advice on how to deal with damaged products something eBay is not uncommon for or when sale to your customer goes wrong.

You have no element of quality control

The Future of Arbitrage

Price comparison apps and sites have and will continue to fill this gap in the market.

Buy-low-sell-high is the cornerstone of business and you can do this without the need to follow these techniques. Copying a listing from one site and pasting it to another is not an efficient and sustainable use of your time.

Buyers are smart now and much more informed than ever before. And whilst impulse purchases is what Easy Arbitrage benefits from, this tightening up of buyer behaviour will be the demise of Easy Arbitrage Profits in the future.

Final Review

Make no mistake, Arbitrage can work but this is not the product to teach you how to do it.

What Next?

Amazon and eBay are the home to lots of businesses that make a mint through selling physical products online. However they require risk taking and startup capital. There is a way to make uncapped amounts of money online by not selling physical products that will better make use of your time and threshold for risk. Check it out it here.

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