By now you should have had a brief introduction to internet marketing (if you missed it, read Red Box Affiliate Marketing) and you will have a basic overview of the simple 4 step formula involved in making money online.
The absolute first thing you now need to to get started is head over to Wealthy Affiliate by clicking here and setting up a free membership. As I said, it is completely free (no credit cards or BS set up process involved!) and this will serve as your hub from where you will set up and run your 2 online businesses for free.
The reason why you need to do this now is so that you can take action on everything you learn from here on out. When I started out, there was so much information and training to absorb that when it came to actually applying it, it very quickly became too overwhelming and I soon was lost in a sea of information.
Therefore, I cannot stress enough how important it is to apply what you learn straight away to understand its significance. Keep doing this and as you progress through the free training, you will find that by the end of it, you will have your own online business set up (or 2!).
You will be seeing your site(s) come together the minute you start to take action so it is imperative that you complete this first step as early as possible.
You are likely to have more than 2 niche ideas than you are allowed in the free membership so you can always delete a site and start over if you think your niche is wrong or prefer something else.
In applying your learning you are understanding the process involved in getting from nothing to a fully fledged monetized site that is bringing in traffic and revenue.
Once you have learned the process, the sky really is the limit and with the Wealthy Affiliate Program premium upgrade you will be able to host an unlimited amount of sites.
This is an example of a website that was created in less than an hour (if that) on Netball Drills and consists of a grand total of 6 web pages – click here. It is simply now on auto pilot – meaning it very rarely gets new content added to it and is left to its own devices. It makes roughly $110 per month just of Google Adsense revenue. Amazing right, for an hours worth of work? $110 a month for the rest of your days. Imagine if you could create 10 sites like this and then kick back and relax? That’s what I’ve done. And guess what? It works – though believe me I would not be settling for $110 per month on my sites!
As long as you follow the training step by step and and apply what you learn, you will become successful.
Phew, okay so that was quite a bit of info.

Now lets take some action.
Click here to set up your free starter membership at Wealthy Affiliate and get started with their free training.
Read my step by step articles starting with Step 1 – Its All about Your Niche.
Once you have selected your niche, don’t worry too much if you think you have got it wrong – indeed you cannot get it wrong per se as money can be made from any niche – but if you want to start over you can.
Contact me if you have any specific questions I can help with.
I wish you the very best of luck and remember, never give up. You will become a success. Just remember me and where it all started when you make your first earnings!