Product Overview
Product: Wealthy Affiliate
Price: $0 Starter Membership
Score: 10/10
A Few Forewords
I joined Wealthy Affiliate as a premium member some time ago and I thought its a good time to produce a review and share with you whether I think its worth shelling any money out for, who it is and isn’t suited for and what you can expect.
What Is It?
For those of you not familiar with Wealthy Affiliate, it is an interactive training resource (a university almost) for anyone looking to set up a website or internet business with a fully integrated web hosting solution combined in to one.
Its unique in that it has a 10,000 plus community member base which the user can tap into 24/7 for support. The whole platform is geared towards serving you in learning how to build and grow your online business starting from scratch. Its a pleasant environment bursting with ideas, positivity, creativity and inspiration.
Once you register (for free – more on that to come), the focus is on your training and the application of that training to what will be your newly formed business.
The uniqueness of this platform over and above any other similar services is, without a doubt, its community. You are essentially rubbing shoulders with millionaires and internet entrepreneurs that have a wealth of knowledge, tips and advice to share. These are real people who have been there and done that and so you are benefitting from their experiences.
Who Is It For?
In short, the answer to this question is practically anyone.
The two main training courses featured on the site is designed with the newbie in mind and so the wealth of resources should appeal to anyone looking to set up their first online business right up to the more advanced user with more complex expert needs. I would say if you can use a computer, have and are interested in making money online in your own time then this is for you.

Some users may of course simply wish to use wealthy affiliate for its state of the art hosting services which allows you unlimited websites and in and of itself represents good value for money.
Its not for anyone looking for a get rich quick scheme, anyone who has no willingness to learn new things and anyone who is not willing to put some work in to it.
How Much Is It?
It is free under the starter membership which includes 2 free websites fully hosted that you can monetise. Also this allows access to the first parts of its two featured training programmes which will get your site up and running in a interest or hobby of your own choosing or one selected for you.
The premium upgrade unlocks all the training materials as well as allowing unlimited website hosting, access to the keyword tool, live support and much more – see below chart.
Key Features
Wealthy Affiliate becomes your business hub or rather your virtual office for going about your days work and with a sea of information on the site, one of its most impressive aspects is its organisation.
Imagine arriving at University on your first day and not knowing which of the many buildings on campus contains the classroom you need to attend to get started on your career of choice.
If Wealthy Affiliate was a University then your experience would be akin to your lecturer holding your hand when you arrive on day one at the gates and keeping hold right until the day you graduate. In fact WA goes further – they hold your hand right up to your first pay check. And even afterwards, they are still be around ready to help once your business has taken off!
Everything is set out neatly on the site and if you hit a wall (which you will), you need simply ask someone in the live chats and classroom discussions for help. You can even private message the co founders who are always more than happy to help and in fact are always pro-actively helping others that have posted questions in discussions and comments sections.
What You Should Expect
I should begin with saying that you should not expect to see success with Wealthy Affiliate overnight. Kyle one of the co founders posted an interesting comment which is I thought I should share:
These are the words of an internet entrepreneur who knows what he’s talking about.
These timescales are roughly in line with what I was able to achieve and so I have complete faith in that if you follow the training, you will succeed. There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t read about a new success story on Wealthy Affiliate and so its absolutely evident that people are able to start making money by months 2-3 onwards.
There is an overwhelming amount of training resource on the site and so stick with the training step by step to avoid getting lost or overwhelmed.
The courses are designed so that not only are you learning the ropes but applying them to your new business as you go along which makes it all that more engaging and rewarding.
They are delivered by the co founders with humility and simplicity and the content is straight to the point. It really does suck you in and you will find yourself gagging to complete your next lesson to continue to build your business.
I feel that I have not shared any criticism with Wealthy Affiliate and that is really because it is hard to fault the service. However I did want to talk about my personal experience and let you know of the things to be wary of and look out for.
I was very sceptical when I first looked into this; the reason being that the make money online market place has been plagued by scam after scam and it has such a bad stigma attached to it. You should be wary too. Any investment of your money and more importantly, time, requires you to ask some serious questions. Never stop asking these questions.

Wealthy Affiliate is of course a business in and of itself and primarily exists to make money. That is a fact and it should be of no surprise to you. However, when I was doing some research around it before joining, I soon learned that Wealthy Affiliates success depends on the success of its members and so there is a mutual interest shared with WA and the user.
For that reason I found I was at ease from day one. Its not a scam or there are no hidden upsells etc. I found the personal touch by the co founders in communicating and welcoming you is evidence to that as well as there on-going communication with you to check in on progress with your site
I had my first two sites with Wealthy Affiliate up and running within the first week and so that meant that by day 7, I knew that premium was for me. Not only was I enjoying the learning, I could see the potential in my sites and in Wealthy Affiliate given that within the space of 7 days I had 2 new businesses set up fully functioning online. I also knew I could cancel my membership any time as it rolls from month to month.
Verdict 10/10
Wealthy Affiliate scores a rare 10 out of 10 purely because of the exceptional value it affords with its free starter membership. I have not found a better place to get your internet business started and would not hesitate in recommending this service. Its free and so you will be making a well informed decision if you choose to upgrade which I believe 99% of people, that actually want to run a business online, do once they have tried and tested the service.
Its interesting to see what others are saying in their testimonials and how people who try it, fall in love straight away.
As I am a long time member now, if you do sign up for a free account which you can do here, look me up or message me below and I will be more than happy to assist you with any aspects you are unsure about.
Hi Gary nice review you have on wa! As a fellow wa member myself i got to say i liked how you included kyle’s comments about slogging it out for the first few months. It all adds up along as you work everyday, even if its bit by bit. Many online scams today propagate get rich quick ideas that may not be realistic.
Check out my website to know about other online scams here:
Thanks for the feedback Tommy, much appreciated. I will check your site out.